Отель хороший, очень приятный персонал, мне очень понравилось что я приехала рано и меня заселили гораздо раньше времени, номер был очень большой и даже с ванной, рекомендую
Anonyymi käyttäjä
Standard King -huone
Majoittunut 11. 2024
31 arvostelu
Lähetetty 30.12.2024
It was a good journey ; however, I highly recommend to improve your breakfast choices which wasn’t as good as expected. Please provide all amenities upon arrival as I don’t have to call the customer service to provide me with them. Thank you.
The location is terrible to get around. My room had two single beds that were not attached properly and did not have a topper on so you slide down the middle. connection between the entrance and the bedroom had a loose floor strip. Bathroom ceiling made a rattling sound the whole time i was there. The shower is a bathtub with no handle and no anti slip mat so beware of slipping. no shower get for two days after calling and being told it would be filled, it wasn't. Pool is not good, breakfast was good. staff in the breakfast room all great.
Standard King -huone
Majoittunut 9. 2024
13 arvostelu
Erittäin hyvä
Lähetetty 19.10.2024
Superior king -huone
Majoittunut 9. 2024
Yksin matkustavat
10 arvostelu
Lähetetty 14.10.2024
Nice hotel and service. Great check-in experience.
For breakfast, closer to the end many items were finished and not replaced, cups finished - if you state timings till 10:30am, then same service availability should be provided.