Näytettyjen luokitusten todenperäisyyden varmistamiseksi emme laske pelkkää keskiarvoa. Sen sijaan otamme huomioon arvostelun uskottavuuden ja vieraan oleskelun ajankohdan lopullisen arvosanan määrittämiseksi.
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Soner Demir
Yhden hengen economy-huone
Majoittunut 5. 2024
Matkusta ystävien kanssa
1 arvostelu
Lähetetty 23.6.2024
Banyodaki priz yerinden çıkmış sallanıyordu ve kendımızı guvende hıssedıcegımız yerde oldugumuzu dusunduk ama odamın kiliti bozuk vr kitlenmiyordu o yuzden tedirgin uyudum
Неплохой отель, удобное расположение с остановками. Можно приехать и уехать в аэропорт на автобусе. К сожалению, персонал не знает английского, но мы смогли общаться с помощью переводчика. До центра города пешком достаточно близко. Мне шум от дороги не мешал, хотя туда окна выходили. Отличное место для того чтобы переночевать между рейсами. В номере есть тапочки, мыло и шампунь. Рекомендую.
Hanan Aman
Economy Twin -huone
Majoittunut 1. 2024
11 arvostelu
Lähetetty 25.2.2024
I don't know about the negative comments here but my one night stay was perfect:
Staff - very good service and accomodative. They offered tea and helped to bring our luggages to our room. The staff showed that water bottles were available in the mini fridge, as if he knew i was very thirsty 😁
Parking - right in front of the hotel, very convenient
Room - upgraded from 2 single beds to one queen bed since the staff notice that both of us are married couple. Comfortable bed, no issue with the pillows i like it though not too spongy like what people have been commented here. Overally, worth the price.
Standard kahden hengen huone
Majoittunut 12. 2022
Yksin matkustavat
1 arvostelu
Lähetetty 5.2.2023
별로 추천하고 싶지 않네요. 터키를 떠나는 마지막날 현지 여자친구가 같이 짐싸는거 도와준다고 하는데 호텔 로비도 아닌 밖에서 기다리라고 하다니. 정말 실망이 큽니다. 손님이 오던 말던 프론트 직원들은 프로트안에서 담배피며 웃고 떠들고 엘리베이터는 오전에 일부러 세워둔건지 고장난건지 7층까지 걸어다니고 크즐라이에 시내에 있는 lion city hotel을 추천합니다.
Standard kahden hengen huone
Majoittunut 9. 2022
Yksin matkustavat
3 arvostelu
Lähetetty 15.10.2022
The reception staff gave me a cheaper room than the one I reserved. When I told the staff that I had taken the wrong room, the other staff next to me took me to the original room without apologizing, checked my room condition, and then changed the room. I felt uncomfortable with their service.