對呢間酒店相當失望,首先酒店位置偏僻附近沒有餐廳!酒店完全冇服務可言我哋揸車到酒店,自己搵地方泊埋車,之後自己攞行李再去到櫃檯都冇一個服務員幫忙。我喺呢間酒店住兩晚第一日去到check-in已經係下晝嘅四點後佢同我講第二日酒店Spa close for cleaning. 即係我住咗兩晚完全冇享受過裏面嘅Facility。但其實佢所謂嘅Spa只不過係天台有一個好淺水嘅溫水池浸唔浸其實都冇乜所謂。rooftop 夜晚有Freeflow drink. 唯一可取嘅就係房間夠大!我book咗間房諗住有全海景點知原來只不過係見到個側海樓下仲要船泊位。
Majoituspaikan vastaus: Thank you for your positive feedback regarding the complimentary drinks available at our Level 8. We are delighted to know that you enjoyed this aspect of your stay. Our team works diligently to create a memorable experience for our guests, and it is gratifying to hear that you appreciated our offerings.Best regards,THE SENAGAJIMA STORYLINE