Hotel is in good location. Checked in @3pm. Wanted to drink hot tea, but the tea kettle was broken. Wanted to use computer, the desk light was not working. That was about 4pm, so called front desk, was no answer.
Called 10 minutes later still no answer. Decided to give up.
一開始我為了要拍專業形象影片故意選有落地窗的旅館,就選了這家,當下check in 發現沒有落地窗就算了,我好聲好氣的問櫃檯可不可以幫我找有落地窗的房型,我話還沒問完,櫃檯的一個胖子直接轉頭說"沒有,都客滿了“,態度極差,眼連撇都不撇,還穿便服,感覺就是要下班趕緊離開不想多事的爛員工,幸好旁邊穿制服的一位帥哥人比較正常幫我找了一下房型,勉為其難幫我找一個還可以的房型,我感謝他的態度和真誠的服務! 我忘記記了名字,但我只記得那個胖子,胖子,如果你看到這篇評價,你也不要意外,請你趕快離職打包回家,這份工作不適合你,你可能比較適合當廚師或美食評論家,飯店櫃檯這種工作太委屈你了