체크인부터 식사, 온천의 모든 부분이 매우 만족도가 높았습니다. 접근성이 나쁘다는 생각이 조금 들었지만 조잔케이의 설경을 보며 걸어가니 오히려 즐거웠습니다.
Japanilainen länsimainen huone ulkokylpyammeella
Majoittunut 12. 2024
Matkusta ystävien kanssa
1 arvostelu
Lähetetty 11.2.2025
겨울 삿포로 여행 계획하면서
여행 마무리로 온천에서 하루 푹 쉬고 오는 일정으로
엄청 열심히 서치하고 결정한 숙소입니다
송영버스 예약하고 가서 삿포로에서 료칸까지 편하게 이동 할수있었구요
진짜 조용하고 깨끗하고 음식도 너무 깔끔하고 맛있었습니다
방에 노천탕이 있는것도 선택이유중 하나였는데 역시 너무좋았어요
하루만 예약한걸 너무 후회했어요
다음 겨울에 꼭!!!!!다시갈 계획입니다
Japanilainen länsimainen huone ulkokylpyammeella
Majoittunut 1. 2025
6 arvostelu
Lähetetty 11.2.2025
높은 수준의 식사를 경험할 수 있었고 개인 온천을 마음껏 이용할 수 있어 좋았습니다. 냉장고 안에 음료도 원하는 만큼 마실 수 있었고, 세면도구와 타올도 충분히 제공됩니다. 기념품으로 주는 어메니티도 훌륭하고 주변 풍경도 좋습니다.
다만, 화장실 내 욕조는 물이 잘 빠지지 않고 물이 빠지는 구멍이 오염된 채 노출되어 있었습니다.
高い水準の食事を経験することができ、個人温泉を思う存分利用することができて良かったです。 冷蔵庫の中の飲み物も好きなだけ飲めたし、洗面用具やタオルも十分に用意されています。 お土産のアメニティも素晴らしいですし、周辺の景色もいいですよ。
We stayed in Room 300, "Hotaruya," which was clearly designated as a non-smoking room. However, the bathroom had a strong residual smell of smoke, which even spread into the inner part of the room.
During check-in, when inspecting the room, I immediately pointed this out to the reception staff, but they insisted they couldn’t smell anything. After dinner, still finding the smell unbearable, I went down to the front desk to request further action. The staff assured me they would spend an hour deodorizing the room. Unfortunately, the results were ineffective, confirming that the smoke odor was not minor and persisted throughout the night, leaving me feeling nauseous at times.
Even if a previous guest was a heavy smoker, please thoroughly inspect and improve the winter ventilation system in your bathrooms. One staff member claimed not to notice the smell, while another spent an hour trying to remove it with no success. I trust you can check your records to see if anyone smoked in this room, especially since you made it clear during check-in that smoking in a non-smoking room would result in a fine.
This shouldn’t be an issue for the next guest—especially when it’s been explicitly pointed out. I urge your staff to take such concerns seriously. At the very least, they could remove their masks to verify the smell themselves or ask a non-smoking colleague to confirm.