Verified traveler
8. syyskuuta 2024
酒店的位置距離Fira 巴士站有點距離, 步行前往需要十多分鐘, 而且有不少上落斜路段會有車經過, 比較適合駕車前往. 酒店環境不俗, 工作人員很友善. 有自助早餐和泳池. 房間空間充足也算整潔.
The hotel is located a bit of a distance from the Fira bus station, with a walk taking more than ten minutes. There are several uphill and downhill sections along the way, with cars passing by, so it's more suitable for driving. The hotel environment is quite nice, and the staff are very friendly. There is a buffet breakfast and a pool. The rooms are spacious enough and fairly clean.