6. tammikuuta 2024
Run down and VERY LOUD: overlooks busy Baltra Ave, faces THE island Hospital & main bus stop, is one block from the main square where events and large speakers blare every night, doors slamming, and the resident manager (Maria) was continually louder than all the above put together, as she had non-stop friends and relatives visiting her and transiting her live-in room, and she had her cell phone cranked on speaker playing music and videos day & night while she camped out on the lobby sofa. ZERO AIR CONDITIONING for many days: Maria insisted there was cool air coming out (there wasn’t) of the wall unit, until I contacted the Manager and he came over, confirmed no AC, and forced Maria to move me into a room that had it. HORRIBLE Wi-Fi with all 3 of their routers, I had to go to a restaurant or walk the streets to use Wi-Fi. I got bit a lot by mosquitoes while sleeping as there were wall cracks around the doors & windows and ants were everywhere. Their lobby smoke detector beeped 24/7 because they wouldn’t replace the dying battery. ZERO warm water and shower doors were broken and wouldn’t stay on the rails. I DO NOT RECOMMEND.