8. lokakuuta 2024
本次西澳自駕遊,在這個酒店住了7天6晚,非常棒。我們訂的是全水景房,設施齊備,乾淨衞生,很寬敞,相當於一個小套房,天天可以看日出。酒店出門100m不到,就是Barrack Street Jetty,有好幾家常駐的當地travel agency,提供各種遊玩項目(羅特尼斯島、觀鯨、追海豚、bus tour等),當面諮詢,比在網上預訂要踏實得多。頂樓(18樓)有一個360°觀光的酒吧,視野很好。二樓的REEL KITCHEN餐廳,提供早餐、午餐和晚餐。自助早餐豐富,西班牙小香腸CHORIZO很好吃,尤其適合喜歡吃辣的朋友。晚餐也不貴,兩人主食加一瓶紅酒,235澳元,我自己認為性價比可以。
這裏尤其要感謝前台的MR. DAREK和MISS ARIANE。我們10月6號離開那天,珀斯有一項跑步活動RUNNING EVENT,很多區域分時段封路。我們因為是自駕,需要到機場還車,害怕出不去,耽誤航班。MR. DAREK和MISS ARIANE(尤其是MR. DAREK)給了我們很大的幫助,非常耐心地給我們查詢、介紹當地舉行公共活動時封路的規則,以及建議的駕駛路線,使得我們非常順利離開酒店到達機場還車。
Special thanks shall be paid to MR. DAREK and MISS ARIANE at the reception desk. On the day we left on October 6, there was a RUNNING EVENT in Perth, with many areas closed for different time periods. Because we are driving by ourselves, we need to return the car at the airport, and we are afraid that we can't get out and miss flight. MR. DAREK and MISS ARIANE (especially MR. DAREK) gave us a lot of help, and they were very patient to inquire with others and introduce the local road closure rules for public events, as well as suggested driving routes, which made us leave the hotel and return the car at the airport very smoothly.