30. toukokuuta 2022
Stay made unpleasant by a downgrading “upgrade”
Big hotel situated in a quiet area, 20min walking to the sea front, easy parking.
Remarkable array of tasty food items at the buffet breakfast and dinner and excellent service.
I would have given them full marks if I wasn’t offered an “upgrade” at the check in.
I booked a superior studio, as I did for our previous stay here, 4 years ago. I was impressed I was offered an upgrade, but the feeling changed when we saw the new room. Instead of a spacious Superior Studio I paid for, I was given a small, cramped room. It did not have a wall to separate the bathroom from the bedroom, only a curtain. I pointed this immediately to a grumpy employee at the checkout, and the next day to the nice, smiling lady who offered me the downgrading “upgrade”. Both told me “There is a different design” and did not offer to give me the room I paid for instead of the tiny one they put us in.
Why someone would think that is a pleasant experience to hear the other one washing their hands after going to the toilet during the night or having a shower, I really do not understand.
The room had a DVD player which was out of order anyway (and who brings DVDs on holidays these days), probably to improve the “different design” and a TV set with about 8 stations in Greek and one or two in the other “local” language – Russian. Why a big hotel cannot afford a satellite dish to offer some channels in English is another question.
Anyway, the main problem was the small and badly designed room we were assigned to.