12. helmikuuta 2023
This is one of those aluminum box roadside inns most associated with Holiday Inn’s prior to 1982. They have some distinct features such as a place where a swag lamp would be over a cocktail table with two lounge chairs. This one is a time capsule for sure, kept operating well enough, but still showing it’s age in the support systems that run it. There is conduit running all over the place that is obviously something added after the original construction. If this hadn’t been converted to it’s present use, it’s almost guaranteed it would have been razed long ago. The night clubs in it obviously once were for meeting rooms, and it does have 4 double-level suites, which I believe to be rented to full time residents by today. The back half of the complex is rented to people that live here all the time, having no key card access but rather genuine old-fashioned metal keys. The restaurant has been shuttered a long time, but it’s their claim it will be back. In the back of the property sits two brand new range hood affairs, typical of a commercial kitchen, still in cardboard, and shrink wrap…obviously waiting to be installed. The place has gone through an ownership change, and I’m told the last owner’s exit was childish and ugly. It’s only word-of-mouth, but plenty of evidence something less than professional happened. People come here to meet and socialize, and this is not a place where weary travelers go to get a good night’s rest. The party goes on seemingly forever, and that’s the business they intend to attract. I can remember coming here some 36 years back in 1987 and a lot has changed, but a lot hasn’t changed. We are grateful they have updated to individualized HVAC systems in every room. The remains of an old “two-pipe” system are still in the rooms, discontinued, where either AC or Heat is on and they cannot be switched back and forth at will. In the spring and fall this produces some uncomfortable temperatures, and what I’m told is they were very wasteful, cooling or heating all space always, and unable to turn the system off in unused space. Any innkeeper still using one of those is guaranteed to be on the end of usability of said facility. For my every day travel needs this place is beyond the age I’d be interested, as it opened in 1967. They are using bottom grade towels, but the mattresses and bed coverings in good condition. The furniture in the room is plenty good enough, and all the lights and fixtures working right. The bathroom light switch, and associated heat lamp switch are almost in the bathtub, and in a place where electric shock is a risk. Somehow, I doubt anything built for today’s needs would put switches quite so close to water. I did not find GFCI’s near the lavatory, which is required by building codes today. The floor covering in the room is industrial grade carpet, has been replaced and was clean. The work desk and office chair also were in plenty fresh condition. Honestly, I’ve seen this facility i