Nanjing Jiangbei New District Dachang Street Geguan Road No. 625 Shangbenbuilding 2123 Creative Valley 243 workstation, Pukou District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, ChinaNäytä hotellin tiedot
Tarkista vapaat huoneet matkustuspäivinäsi
1 yö
58 arvostelu
Näytettyjen luokitusten todenperäisyyden varmistamiseksi emme laske pelkkää keskiarvoa. Sen sijaan otamme huomioon arvostelun uskottavuuden ja vieraan oleskelun ajankohdan lopullisen arvosanan määrittämiseksi.
I really loved this apartment! This was my first time staying in an apartment and I didn’t even regret it. The staff is very friendly and helpful. If they can’t speak English, they can translate but they are very helpful. They add your WeChat too before you checkin for easy communication. The room was amazing, it was clean, quiet and very private. I like the view from the window especially at night time. For bathing you get environmental bath towels plus shampoo and bathing liquid soap. You have a washing machine and geyser in the room. You also get a projector in the room and can connect both Android and IOS devices. The location is close to the Subway station however you have to cross the road to get there.