5. elokuuta 2023
Imagine a place where people are constantly, at all hours of the day and night, talking loudly in front of your bedroom door. Add to that a noisy road all night long. Add parties twice a week. And all this in precarious, shack-like facilities where any noise gets through the walls. That's what this party hostel is. I have travelled for 21 years, I have been in hundreds of party hostels, but all of them, absolutely all of them, have a time when the party is over and you can rest. It's no wonder, then, that this is a hub for drug use and drug dealing, otherwise you wouldn't understand how people can stand it. The security is simply laughable: there are no keys in the rooms and the lockers are made of wood! People from outside enter the hostel during the holidays, so it's no wonder that a mobile phone was stolen during our stay. We had booked 4 nights and had to leave on the second night because it was impossible to rest. They completely ruined our experience in Montañita. Much better Puerto Lopez or look for another place, because this one is just pitiful.