Dr. Andrade 69, Doctores, Cuauhtémoc, Mexico City, Federal District, 06720, MexicoNäytä hotellin tiedot
Tarkista vapaat huoneet matkustuspäivinäsi
1 yö
110 arvostelu
Näytettyjen luokitusten todenperäisyyden varmistamiseksi emme laske pelkkää keskiarvoa. Sen sijaan otamme huomioon arvostelun uskottavuuden ja vieraan oleskelun ajankohdan lopullisen arvosanan määrittämiseksi.
Vahvistetut arvostelut
Kaikki arvostelut(110)
Positiiviset arviot(10)
Arvostelut valokuvien/videon kera(1)
Judge K
Majoittunut 10. 2023
Yksin matkustavat
1 arvostelu
Lähetetty 2.12.2023
in general, the room was not the worst I’ve seen, in the hallway there is a large built-in double-door wardrobe, the chairs in the room have a cape that seemed dirty to me and seems to have not been washed for a long time, the bathroom has a floor bidet and this is convenient for maintaining personal hygiene, but There were also some problems in the room: cockroaches (there were six of them throughout the room at a time), poor cleaning in the corners of the room, for example, a lot of dust accumulated between the bed and the bedside table, the shower head worked poorly or was missing, rough hard pillows along with the mattress and a thin blanket, and it can be very noisy from loud music and conversations behind the wall, and another common problem is dirt and disorder at the front entrance of the hotel because unscrupulous guests throw garbage and cigarette butts right on the steps of the hotel entrance and also smoke right at the hotel doors, which is unacceptable and disgusting for a normal person