21. joulukuuta 2023
We used this hotel last year as a place to rest for the night on annual trip. There were a couple of minor issues, one the management had little control over - someone smoking in the hall, but over all it was a cheap, but acceptable place to stop for the night. This year we decided to try them again. I'm not sure if we will ever stop there again.
We checked in and my wife went upstairs with our small dog while I went out and got luggage from the car. By the time I got back inside, she was back downstairs saying she couldn't get the key card to unlock the door. The person at the front desk said he'd try both keys and if neither would open the door he'd move us to another room. After a try or two, he was able to get it to unlock. He said people leave the card in the slot too long and the trick is too quickly put it in and take it out. I mention the lock is flashing red occasionally and not just immediately after pulling the key card out (low battery?), but he doesn't really say much in response.
We put the luggage in the room, then went to go get the rest. Went back up and couldn't get it to unlock. Now we've got luggage trapped in the room. We go downstairs and tell the front desk guy we were still having problems. He went up and again was able to unlock it after a couple or so tries. We want another room, but he says since he can open it, we can either stay or cancel our reservation and go somewhere else because it's too much trouble to switch rooms and we can just get him to unlock it.
It's past 9 PM, my wife's getting tired (she was driving) and I've got a bad headache. Trying to find another hotel room, that accepts pets, would take more time and trouble, so we stay basically trapped in the room with only one person able leave at a time because I didn't trust his continued skill and probably luck in being able to finesse the door open.
I mentioned it to someone at the front desk who said they were the manager (when I asked) and would take care of it. But this was an unacceptable situation that could have been easily resolved by just switching rooms. There wasn't a lot going on at that hour on a cold December night.