20. lokakuuta 2024
Lack of bathroom privacy and breakfast
This B&B is located 100 m of the main road which is the Avenue next to the waterfront. It is in a residential building that is located first floor however was difficult to to locate when standing outside the main door due to the lack of signage. The check-in person offered to meet me at the front of the building, it is located up one flight of stairs and has a the modern interior with six rooms named after flowers. Mine was called Ortensia.
The interior was a good use of space reasonably large room with a modernised interior with all of the bathroom glassed look into the room. The black-and-white tiles in the bathroom was very nice finish with local toiletries from Fratelli Proto Italian touch of body lotion, shampoo and bath soap.
There was a safe wine fridge in a room with two limp and factory made croissants
There was a small balcony which one could stand on, but not much else could be done other than dry your clothes.
Noise was an issue on the first night- both from vehicle driving fast on the main road and also the neighbours above walking around with the thud of their footsteps. The second morning there was a bottle bank clear out at 0630!
There were bottles of water in the fridge with a designated for each room which included Coke, juice, sparkling &Still water.
The coffee machine in the morning was reasonable, the coffee was produced out of a look like a teabag for coffee.
One downside to this place is the lack of privacy in the bathroom,taking a poop.