Moradias A1, B1 do 1.º andar e A2, B2 do 2.º andar com entrada pelo n.º 7 do prédio n.ºs 7 e 7D da Rua da Madeira, Macau Peninsula, Macau, ChinaNäytä hotellin tiedot
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1 yö
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347 arvostelu
Näytettyjen luokitusten todenperäisyyden varmistamiseksi emme laske pelkkää keskiarvoa. Sen sijaan otamme huomioon arvostelun uskottavuuden ja vieraan oleskelun ajankohdan lopullisen arvosanan määrittämiseksi.
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Double Room (Public Toilet)
Majoittunut 1. 2025
Yksin matkustavat
1 arvostelu
Lähetetty 25.2.2025
The location was good 10mins away in the Grand Lisbon. Senado Square just walk for 5mins.
The bad thing was it was hard for me to open the door. The public toilet is not clean. The staff was okay and had good service. I always woke up early because it was noisy outside. The room are small.
The location of this hotel is indeed very convenient, it takes around 10 minutes to get to the ruins of St. Paul along with many other attractions in the central district of Macau. Surprisingly, the room is cleaner than I thought and has necessary amenities including hot water, wifi, slippers, etc. But it's not very easy for a first-comer to find it, look for a sign that says "Edificio Kam Hou" and climb the stairs to the 1st floor to check in.