16. syyskuuta 2024
位于考纳斯市中心的Metropolis酒店是一家具有浓厚历史氛围的魅力酒店。这次,我是为了追寻杉浦千畝先生的足迹而入住的,这次的停留并没有辜负我的期望。 酒店面对主街,周围有餐厅和商店,非常方便观光。酒店的建筑具有历史建筑的厚重感,同时客房也兼具现代的舒适性,是缓解旅途疲劳的理想选择。 特别让人印象深刻的是工作人员的细心服务。他们乐于回答有关杉浦千畝先生的问题,对历史的深刻理解让我印象深刻。 如果您访问考纳斯,强烈推荐您入住这家酒店。
Hotel Metropolis, located in the heart of Kaunas, is a charming hotel that exudes a sense of history. This time, I stayed here as part of a journey tracing the footsteps of Chiune Sugihara, and it did not disappoint. The hotel faces the main street, with restaurants and shops nearby, making it convenient for sightseeing. The rooms, with the stately construction characteristic of historic buildings and modern comfort, were perfect for relieving the fatigue of travel. What left a particularly strong impression was the courteous service of the staff. They willingly answered questions about Chiune Sugihara and their deep knowledge of history was impressive. If you visit Kaunas, I highly recommend staying at this hotel.