27. joulukuuta 2024
Ok, let's start at the beginning, was easy to book and not expensive. Got there in the evening check in was fairly easy. Got to my room, and immediately things went wrong, room smelled odd ( should really have gone back to reception, but didn't) . Was tired and just wanted to rest. Was in the room a while and smell didn't get any better, then realised it was stale cigarette smoke, was worst in the bathroom, I guess previous guests had been smoking. This must have been obvious to housekeeping, and the place should have been deep cleaned. Went to bed, as I placed my head on the pillow I could hear a low frequency pulsating hum, just loud enough to be really annoying. Moved my bed, but made no difference. Still aware of the smell, I opened the window, but was obvious somebody was smoking hash very near my room ( reception was just under my room) , so closed the window. Him continued, going off briefly, but then starting. Just enough to make sure you couldn't sleep. Was still awake at 0200hrs, contemplated leaving and going home, but eventually got to sleep. Was awaked about and hour later by the room above, which had flooring with the loudest squeak. So back awake again and heading the hum. Again got back to sleep briefly. Then upstairs again at about Six, sounded like the occupant dancing about, floor so squeaky. That was it for me, time to get up. Possibly the worst night I have ever had in a hotel. Spoke to to staff on leaving,guy said he was sorry, and that was it. Really, very, very poor.