Өрөө цэвэрхэн. Байршил сайн .өглөөний цай онцгүй байсан.өглөөний цайнд орж байга хүмүүс өөрийн аяга ядаж халбага 1 удаагийн савахаа авч орвол их зүгээр шүү.аяга халбага ер нь их заваан юм байна лээ шүү.өрөөний хаалгаа дуу тусгааралдаг хаалга хийхгүй бол соёл гэж зүйл мэдэхгүй хэсэг бүлэг монголчууд таарвал тэр шөнө тэгээл дуусаа.бусдаар бол их зүгээр газар байна билээ шүү.The room is clean. The location is good. The breakfast wasn't great. It's fine if people come to breakfast and bring their own cups and at least a spoon and disposable chopsticks. Cups and spoons are very dirty. If they don't make a soundproof door for your room, it's a group that doesn't know what culture is. If the Mongols meet, that's the end of the night. Otherwise, it's a very peaceful place
We chose a business suite because there were three of us and a small child. There is enough space. Quite clean, despite the old furniture.There was a fear that some furniture might fall apart 😂 Breakfast is delicious, varied. Not to say that it is super comfortable, but for one night it is okay