5. joulukuuta 2024
Well, here goes again. !!! Review of trip no 11. It was just the same as all the others trips. Made to feel so welcome once again, by all the staff , from the top down to the new trainees. Not artificial either.!!! It was the usual case of excess of everything, food, drink and sadly , to much sun. Met a lot of old friends from every year, and some new ones from this year. The interaction with the staff is the highlight though, makes me feel very happy. I will really miss all this if I am unable to return next year. Even though it does not worry me at the time, the journey home takes a long time to get over. I am not as young as I was , and even though the spirit is willing, the body is getting weaker. !!!! Anyway, enough of that self pity, the object of this review is "praise." For the wonderful welcome, the good food, great friendship and help for me to put on some excess weight.!!!! I will try to get to, get back , but if I can,t , thank you all for 11 great holidays I have had at my " second home " ,The PAPILLON . Asante Sana. Thank you all. Mick.