31. tammikuuta 2023
I walked in whilst in the area, thinking this might be a good place to work for a couple of hours. On walking in through their lobby, I was confronted by two aggressive individuals, completely unidentified by any badges or indication that they worked for Ibis. They squared up to me a few inches from my face in an extremely threatening fashion. They subsequently identified themselves as “security” but gave no explanation as to their behaviour or why they were trying to buffet me out of the building. Once outside they were joined by a very young member of staff, this time wearing a tee shirt and Ibis badge, but they offered no apology as to why I had been treated in this unprofessional and threatening manner, even referring to me as “mate”. What is this place? It seems to have been taken over as some kind of accommodation for migrants, but there is no signage to indicate that the hotel isn’t open to the public. Frankly my experience was extremely disturbing and has left me very shaken. Appalling!