8. toukokuuta 2024
凌晨回到酒店,被單一開打,這些蟲*和排泄物就在床單上,超級噁心!!聯繫服務員,提出換床單加退換一半的房費,被管理者拒絕退一半房費,但是!你們酒店沒有熱水!浴缸骯臟有黃色污漬,管理人員態度超級不好!因為我們凌晨回到酒店很累了,不想在夜晚解決事情,我們提出換床單,第二天解決。服務人員換了兩次床單,都有排泄物!我們入住凌晨4點多,衹睡了5個多小時,床上還一直都有排泄物!結果第二天管理人直接趕我們旅客離開酒店!不解決問題!説昨天晚上已經解決好了!還想毆打我們!這個東西不是蟲*,是房頂的自然物質!但是!床上有蚊帳能遮擋,而且蟲*或者排泄物在被子裏面!真的讓我們很噁心,不管是管理者的解決態度還是環境,都令人噁心!!!I returned to the hotel in the early morning and was singlely beaten. These eggs and excrement were on the sheets. It was super disgusting!! Contact the waiter and propose to change the sheet and refund half of the room fee, but the manager refused to refund half of the room fee, but! There is no hot water in your hotel! The bathtub is dirty with yellow stains, and the manager's attitude is super bad! Because we were very tired when we returned to the hotel in the early morning and didn't want to solve the problem at night, we proposed to change the sheets and solve it the next day. The service staff changed the sheets twice, and there was excrement! We checked in after 4 a.m. and only slept for more than 5 hours, and there was always excrement in the bed! As a result, the manager directly drove our passengers out of the hotel the next day! Don't solve the problem! He said it was solved last night! He also wants to beat us! This thing is not an insect egg, but a natural substance on the roof! But! There is a mosquito net on the bed to cover, and the eggs or excrement are in the quilt! It really makes us disgusting. Whether it's the manager's attitude or the environment, it's disgusting!!