First, five minutes after I made the reservation I had questions so I called, but the hotel was not open until 8am CST. No one answered the phone until 915 CST. We decided to make the reservation here because of the accommodations that were listed on ******* and due to my mothers health conditions. We arrive at the location after going through a process of figuring out the area because it is a bit reclusive. We arrive at the location to find out that three days before we had arrived that the kitchen staff and bar staff contract had been terminated. This was a huge concern for us, because anything nearby for eating was 2 miles away, at least. The person that received us said he would cancel the reservation because it did not meet what the accommodations that were listed on ******* were no longer available. We only decided to stay there because the accommodation fit the things that my mother needed to accommodate her diabetic concerns. We had to go to the next town to locate something very last minute with no reservations. We booked it and called the hotel services at Donaire. But the hostile and not customer friendly Mariana at the front counter backed out of what was said earlier and would not cancel the hotel reservation. I pleaded with her with all sincerity and the only thing she took with pride was to tell me how much she was sorry, but she couldn’t cancel it. This place false advertise their services. It’s like take it or leave it once you’re there. Please be careful.